Wednesday 28 June 2017

Which is better != null or !isEmpty() ?

Is this in regards to String?  If so, I usually use String.isBlank( stringToCheck ).  This checks for null, empty and all whitespace.

If this is in regards to collections, you might have to check both:

if ( myList != null && !myList.isEmpty() ) ...

If you know that your collection is not null (because you allocated it, or it's the result of a query), then I prefer !.isEmpty() over .size() > 0:


if ( !myList.isEmpty() ) ...

Not this:

if ( myList.size() > 0 ) ...

They have the same effect, but I think that .isEmpty() expresses the intent better, i.e. I want to know if the list is empty or not.  I don't actually care what its size is.

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