Monday 6 November 2017

Count Number of Attachements in object

trigger countattachment on Attachment (after insert, after update, after delete, after undelete) {
  Map<Id,List<Attachment>> parent = new Map<Id,List<Attachment>>();
  set<id> attids = new set<id>();
           TestObject__c l;
           if(c.ParentId != null)
   }else if(Trigger.old != null){
       for(Attachment c:Trigger.old){
           List<Attachment> a = new List<Attachment>();
           Map<id,TestObject__c> testmap = new Map<id,TestObject__c>([select id,CountAttachment__c from TestObject__c where id IN: attids]);
           a = [select id,parentid from Attachment where parentid IN:attids];
           for(Attachment at: a){
               List<Attachment> llist = new List<Attachment>();
               if(parent.get(at.parentid) == null){
                   llist = new List<Attachment>();
               }else if(parent.get(at.parentid) != null){
                   llist = new List<Attachment>();
                   llist = parent.get(at.parentid);
           for(Id i: attids){
               if(testmap.get(i) != null && parent.get(i) != null){
                  testmap.get(i).CountAttachment__c = parent.get(i).size(); 
               }else if(testmap.get(i) != null && parent.get(i) == null){
                  testmap.get(i).CountAttachment__c = 0; 
           update testmap.values();
       }catch(Exception e){}


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