Wednesday 10 May 2017

Update child to Grand parent

Updating Child to grandparent

1. Entitlement - Grand Parent
2. Case - Parent
3. Task - Child for case
4. Task -  Grand Child for Entitlement
5. Getting the Task object have the field called "Duration".
6. Getting the duration value and updating the Entitlement.
7. Entitlement was related to case & we are fetching the case related task.

        public void setRollupsummaryent(List<task> lstask)
                Set<Id> caseId = new Set<Id>();
                for(Task ts1 : lstask)
                Set<Id> entId = new Set<Id>();
                for(Case cs : [select Entitlementid, (Select Id,Duration__c from Tasks) from case where id in : caseId])
                Map<Id,Decimal> entWithDuration = new Map<Id,Decimal>();
                for(Case cs : [select Entitlementid, (Select Id,Duration__c from Tasks) from case where Entitlementid in : entId ])
                    Decimal duration = 0;
                    for(Task tk: cs.tasks){
                        if(tk.Duration__c != null){
                        duration += tk.Duration__c;
                        System.debug('&&&&&&&&&&&&' + duration);
                        Decimal temp = entWithDuration.get(cs.EntitlementId) + duration;
                        entWithDuration.put(cs.entitlementId, duration);
                        entWithDuration.put(cs.entitlementId, duration);
                List<Entitlement> updateList = new List<Entitlement>();
                for(Entitlement etm: [Select Id,Used_hours__c from Entitlement where Id In:entWithDuration.keySet()]){
                    etm.Used_hours__c = entWithDuration.get(etm.Id);
                if(updateList.size() > 0){
                    update updateList;

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