Thursday 7 December 2017

SFDC Interview Questions - Part 6

By default, when user click a tab, example: Account tab, user will see latest View selected by that user and follow with recent Account at below.

But, are we able to modify this? 

YES, using Visualforce page. Don't be afraid, you not really need to understand the whole visualforce page script, just copy from script below :) 

1. Always show a View
You can start create visualforce page from Setup - Develop - Pages, create New button, enter the label and name, then copy and paste script below
    <apex:enhancedList listId="00B500000063yvG" height="600" customizable="true" rowsPerPage="10"/>

listId, this is View Id, you can grab it from normal URL, sample: this is always 15 characters
height, this is mandatory
customizable, this to determine if user allow to Edit | Delete | Create New View, if false, user will not see the links. 
rowsPerPage, this to determine number of rows per page, maximum = 200

2. Always show "Recently Viewed Objects"
<apex:page showHeader="true" tabstyle="Opportunity"> 
    <apex:ListViews type="Opportunity" /> 

Okay, so we can customize the tab using simple Visualforce page, next question, how to put it on?

1. Overwrite existing standard tab
·         Setup - Account (for Account object) - Buttons, Links, and Actions
·         Look for Accounts Tab (just change the object name for other object)
·         Click Edit link 
·         Select Visualforce Page option and page you save above
·         Save

2. Create new tab
·         Setup - Create - Tabs
·         Go to Visualforce Tabs 
·         Click New button
·         Select Visualforce page you save above
·         Follow the wizard and Save

Notes and Attachments is not a new thing in Salesforce. I also do not see any enhancements in last few Salesforce release. But, for some users, Notes and Attachments still a nice feature and frequently used.

Here a few facts on Notes and Attachments good to remember:

11.  It is not possible to report on the Notes and Attachments related list.
12.  The Notes & Attachments can be exported directly via the API.
13.  It is possible to access your Notes & Attachments data by requesting a full data export of your organization's data. 
14.  The only way to get attachment on an Salesforce email to Attachment is to download the attachment to your local machine, then manually added as an Attachment from the local machine location.
15.  Notes and attachments marked as Private via the Private checkbox are accessible only to the person who attached them, Administrators and users with View All Data permission.
16.  You must have “Read/Write” access to parent record to be able to add Notes or Attachments to the record.
17.  You also need to have “Read/Write” access permission to parent record to be able to edit or delete Notes or Attachments.
18.  You can write Apex trigger for Notes & Attachments using Force.IDE
Special thanks to Jason Lawrence for the input of Feed Attachment, so if you attach File to Chatter Feed in an Account or Opportunity, it will show as well in Notes & Attachments as Feed Attachment.

Six months back, I wrote this blog to disable user login to SFDC temporary, maybe for major internal release.

In Winter '14 release, Salesforce introduce Freeze user feature. Administrator can easily freeze user, so he/she will not able to login to Salesforce temporary. But, if you have 500 users to freeze, it is not a nice job to open each user and click Freeze button.

Luckily, Salesforce provide API for this. It is a field called 
IsFrozen, located in a new object, called UserLogin. You only can see this object using API version 29.0 and above, so if you use Data Loader, make sure it is version 29.0 and above. You can query and update this object, but not create and delete as it will sync to User object.

Screenshot from Data Loader

SOQL to this object using Developer Workbench
SELECT Id, IsFrozen, IsPasswordLocked, LastModifiedById, LastModifiedDate, UserId FROM UserLogin

Labels: Tips
Monday, November 25, 2013
Using criteria LAST_WEEK in SOQL will return all records where the date starts from 12:00:00 AM (user Local Time Zone) on the first day of the week before the most recent first day of the week and continues for seven full days. First day of the week is determined by your locale.
Example: my user locale setting is English (United States) and today = Sat, 23 Nov 2013, I run query below:
SELECT Id, Name, CreatedDate FROM Account WHERE CreatedDate = LAST_WEEK ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC
this query will return accounts created between 10-16 Nov 2013, because for Locale is US English, a week runs Sunday to Saturday, whereas with UK English, a week spans Monday to Sunday.

SELECT Id, Name, CreatedDate FROM Account WHERE CreatedDate < LAST_WEEK ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC
this query will return accounts created before 10 Nov 2013.

Using LAST_N_DAYS:7 in SOQL will return all records where the date starts from 12:00:00 AM (user Local Time Zone) of the current day and continues for the last 7 days.
SELECT Id, Name, CreatedDate FROM Account WHERE CreatedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:7 ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC
If today is Friday, 22 Nov 2013, using LAST_N_DAYS:7 will return account created between 16 - 22 Nov 2013, while LAST_WEEK will return account created between 10 - 16 Nov 2013.

Using N_DAYS_AGO:7 in SOQL will return all records where the date starts from 12:00:00 AM (user Local Time Zone) on the day 7 days before the current day and continues for 24 hours. (The range does not include today.)
SELECT Id, Name, CreatedDate FROM Account WHERE CreatedDate = N_DAYS_AGO:7 ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC
If today is Monday, 25 Nov 2013, using N_DAYS_AGO:7 will return account only created on 18 Nov 2013

By default, Salesforce Dashboard will show all values in Vertical Bar Chart, Horizontal Bar Chart, Line Chart, Pie Chart, Donut Chart, Funnel Chart, Scatter Chart, and Table component. Component below show All Chatters Group with number of members for each Group.

But, how to show just top 3 group with most members? It is easy in Salesforce:
19.  Edit the dashboard
20.  Click 'Edit Attributes' icon
21.  Go to 'Formatting' tab
22.  Look for Maximum Values Displayed and enter 3
23.  Make sure select Sort by Value Descending
24.  Once you move your mouse cursor out of that field, you will notice preview at the right change to 3
25.  Click OK 
26.  Done

You can use the same way to show top 10 Sales Rep, or top 5 area with minimum claim, etc.

1: Bulkify your Code
Bulkifying Apex code refers to the concept of making sure the code properly handles more than one record at a time. When a batch of records initiates Apex, a single instance of that Apex code is executed, but it needs to handle all of the records in that given batch. For example, a trigger could be invoked by an SOAP API call that inserted a batch of records. So if a batch of records invokes the same Apex code, all of those records need to be processed as a bulk, in order to write scalable code and avoid hitting governor limits.
trigger sampletrigger on contact (before insert) {
  Contact  con =[0];
   List<task> tsk = [select id, activitydate,status,priority
              from task where whoid = :con.Id];
Correct Code :
trigger sampletrigger on Account (before insert) {
   //Loop through all records in the collection
   for(Contact c:{

2: Avoid SOQL Queries inside FOR Loops
Never write SOQL queries and DML Statemets in for Loops
trigger accountTestTrggr on Account (before insert, before update) {
   //For loop to iterate through all the incoming Account records
   for(Account a: {      
      //Since the SOQL Query for related Contacts is within the FOR loop, if this trigger is initiated
      //with more than 100 records, the trigger will exceed the trigger governor limit of maximum // 100 SOQL Queries.         
     List<Contact> contacts = [select id, salutation, firstname, lastname, email from Contact where accountId = :a.Id];     
      for(Contact c: contacts) {
         System.debug('Contact Id[' + c.Id + '], FirstName[' + c.firstname + '],LastName[' + c.lastname +']');
         c.Description=c.salutation + ' ' + c.firstName + ' ' + c.lastname;         
//Since the UPDATE dml operation is within the FOR loop, if this trigger is initiated with more //than 150 records, the trigger will exceed the trigger governor limit of 150 DML Operations //maximum.              
                       update c;
      }       }
Correct Code :
trigger accountTestTrggr on Account (before insert, before update) {
  //This queries all Contacts related to the incoming Account records in a single SOQL query.
  //This is also an example of how to use child relationships in SOQL

  List<Account> accountsWithContacts = [select id, name, (select id, salutation, description,                                                 firstname, lastname, email from Contacts)   from Account where Id IN Trigger.newMap.keySet()];

  List<Contact> contactsToUpdate = new List<Contact>{};
  // For loop to iterate through all the queried Account records
  for(Account a: accountsWithContacts){
     // Use the child relationships dot syntax to access the related Contacts
     for(Contact c: a.Contacts){
      System.debug('Contact Id[' + c.Id + '], FirstName[' + c.firstname + '], LastName[' + c.lastname +']');
      c.Description=c.salutation + ' ' + c.firstName + ' ' + c.lastname;
   //Now outside the FOR Loop, perform a single Update DML statement.
   update contactsToUpdate;
5: Streamlining Multiple Triggers on the Same Object
It is important to avoid redundancies and inefficiencies when deploying multiple triggers on the same object. If developed independently, it is possible to have redundant queries that query the same dataset or possibly have redundant for statements.
6: Querying Large Data Sets
total number of records that can be returned by SOQL queries in a request is 50,000. If returning a large set of queries causes you to exceed your heap limit, then a SOQL query for loop must be used instead. It can process multiple batches of records through the use of internal calls to query and queryMore.
if the results are too large, the syntax below causes a runtime exception:
Account[] accts = [SELECT id FROM account];
use a SOQL query for loop as in one of the following examples:
for (List<Account> acct : [SELECT id, name FROM account  WHERE name LIKE 'Acme']) {
                    // Your code here
                    update acct;
7. Use of the Limits Apex Methods to Avoid Hitting Governor Limits
use a combination of System.debug statements and the Limits Apex class to generate some very useful output as it relates to governor limits and the overall efficiency of your code.

 System.debug('1.Number of Queries used in this apex code so far: ' + Limits.getQueries());
8. Use @future Appropriately
the Apex trigger inefficiently invokes an asynchronous method for each Account record it wants to process:
trigger accountAsyncTrigger on Account (after insert, after update) {
  for(Account a:{
    // Invoke the @future method for each Account
    // This is inefficient and will easily exceed the governor limit of
    // at most 10 @future invocation per Apex transaction

Apex class that defines the @future method:
global class asyncApex {
  public static void processAccount(Id accountId) {
List<Contact> contacts = [select id, salutation, firstname, lastname, email
                from Contact where accountId = :accountId];   

       for(Contact c: contacts){
        System.debug('Contact Id[' + c.Id + '], FirstName[' + c.firstname + '], LastName[' + c.lastname +']');
                      c.Description=c.salutation + ' ' + c.firstName + ' ' + c.lastname;
        update contacts;      

In the below example the method will be invoked once there by avoiding governor limits
trigger accountAsyncTrigger on Account (after insert, after update) {
    //By passing the @future method a set of Ids, it only needs to be
    //invoked once to handle all of the data.
global class asyncApex {
  public static void processAccount(Set<Id> accountIds) {
       List<Contact> contacts = [select id, salutation, firstname, lastname, email from Contact where accountId IN :accountIds];
       for(Contact c: contacts){
     System.debug('Contact Id[' + c.Id + '], FirstName[' + c.firstname + '], LastName[' + c.lastname +']');
                            c.Description=c.salutation + ' ' + c.firstName + ' ' + c.lastname;
        update contacts;

9. Avoid Hardcoding IDs

Avoid Hardcoding ID s as the record id will be different in different environments like SandBox and Production 

public class ChildClass implements ChildInterface{

  public void ready(){
     System.debug('I am ready');
    public void welcome(){

     System.debug('U r Welcome');

    public void bye() {

     System.debug('Get Out');

public interface ChildInterface extends SampleInterface{
   void ready();
   void bye();

public abstract class Child_FPC implements SampleInterface{
 //Incomplete CLass

public interface  SampleInterface{
  //method prototypes
  //return_type mtd_name(i/ps,i/ps);
    void welcome();
    //data members not allowed


public abstract class VirtualParent{
  //data members
  private Integer prt_pvt_mem = 10;
 protected Integer prt_ptt_mem = 20;
  public Integer prt_pub_mem = 30;
  //member Methods
  public abstract void getValues();
 /* {

public class ChildVP extends VirtualParent{
  private Integer chd_pvt_mem = 40;

 /* public override void getValues(){
   // System.debug(prt_pvt_mem);
global class InhTest{
  testMEthod static public void main(){
    VirtualParent p_obj = new VirtualParent();
    p_obj.prt_pub_mem = 60;
    //p_obj.prt_ptt_mem = 60;


public class FinalPC{
   public void finalMtd(){
   public virtual void VirtualMtd(){
 /*  public abstract void abstractMTd(){

public class Height{
   Integer feet;
   Integer inches;
   static Integer count = 0;
   //Default constructor
   public Height(){
     feet = inches = 0;
   //Parameterised constructor
   public Height(Integer ft,Integer inch){
      feet = ft;
      inches = inch;
   public static void getCount(){
       System.debug('Count of objects = ' + count);
   public void setValues(Integer ft,Integer inch){
      feet = ft;
      inches = inch;
   public void getValues(){
      System.debug('Feet = ' + feet);
      System.debug('Inches = ' + inches);
      //System.debug('Count = ' + count);

public class TestHeight{
   public static testMethod void main(){
       Height ct = new Height();
       Height ct1 = new Height(25,52);
       Height ct2 = new Height(12,6);

virtual public class VirtualPC{
  public void finalMtd(){
   public virtual void VirtualMtd(){
   /*public abstract void abstractMTd(){

public class Child_VPC extends VirtualPC{

---------------------- AbstractPC----------------------------------------------
abstract public class AbstractPC{

   public void finalMtd(){
   public virtual void VirtualMtd(){
   public abstract void abstractMTd();

public class Child_APC extends AbstractPC{
  public override void abstractMTd(){


Posted 14th December 2013 by vikramSFDC
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1. Unmanaged packages do not include locked components but can be upgraded?

 A. True
 B. False

2. What of the following statements is True?

 A. Tasks allow you to track the specific actions you plan to perform or have performed; Email Alerts cannot track specific actions
 B. Email Alerts allow you to track the specific actions you plan to perform or have performed, Tasks cannot track specific actions
 C. Email Alerts and Tasks allow you to track the specific actions you plan to perform or have performed
 D. Email Alerts and Tasks cannot track the specific actions you plan to perform or have performed

3. The opportunities fields of the campaign statistics section on a campaign detail page will only be populated for the campaign designated as the primary campaign source?

 A. True
 B. False

4. Is it possible to have Sidebar search enabled with Global Search?

1 comment:

  1. I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article. I am hoping the same best work from you in the future as well.
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Batch Apex

1. What are transaction limits in apex? Total number of SOQL queries issued1 - 100 Total number of records retrieved by SOQL queries - 50...