Stands for: Representational state transfer
Rest is :
Ø Stateless
Ø Client – server based
Ø HTTP Based
Ø It is not a protocol
Ø Support Both JSON and XML
Execute Web services in WorkBench:
In Rest web services we need to implement @Rest Resource annotation .
We need to map endpoint URL here .
Syntax: @RestResource(urlMapping =’/endpoint url/*’..
Then we need to implement class with following Http methods
@Httppost = create
@Httpget = read
@Httpput = update
@Httpatch = update
@Httpdelete = delete
Then we need implement following
Restcontext : it is a container class it holds twoobjects
Restrequest: params,requestbody,requestpath
Restresponse: return messages etc
@RestResource(urlMapping = '/v29/account/*')
global class restwebservices{
global static account getdetails(){
Restrequest req = restcontext.request;
Restresponse res = restcontext.response;
string name = req.requestURI.substring(req.requestURI.lastindexof('/')+1);
account a = [select id,name,phone,type,website,rating from account where name =: name];
return a;
global static id createaccont(string name,string phone,string website){
Restrequest req = restcontext.request;
Restresponse res = restcontext.response;
account a = new account(); = name; = phone; = website;
insert a;
Stands for: Representational state transfer
Rest is :
Ø Stateless
Ø Client – server based
Ø HTTP Based
Ø It is not a protocol
Ø Support Both JSON and XML
Execute Web services in WorkBench:
In Rest web services we need to implement @Rest Resource annotation .
We need to map endpoint URL here .
Syntax: @RestResource(urlMapping =’/endpoint url/*’..
Then we need to implement class with following Http methods
@Httppost = create
@Httpget = read
@Httpput = update
@Httpatch = update
@Httpdelete = delete
Then we need implement following
Restcontext : it is a container class it holds twoobjects
Restrequest: params,requestbody,requestpath
Restresponse: return messages etc
@RestResource(urlMapping = '/v29/account/*')
global class restwebservices{
global static account getdetails(){
Restrequest req = restcontext.request;
Restresponse res = restcontext.response;
string name = req.requestURI.substring(req.requestURI.lastindexof('/')+1);
account a = [select id,name,phone,type,website,rating from account where name =: name];
return a;
global static id createaccont(string name,string phone,string website){
Restrequest req = restcontext.request;
Restresponse res = restcontext.response;
account a = new account(); = name; = phone; = website;
insert a;
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